It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is already upon us! Didn’t we just flip the calendar to 2012? I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks that Father Time has his finger planted on the fast-forward button. Before we know it, the New Year will be upon us.
Before then, however, it’s that time of year where most of us reflect on where we’ve come over the course of the year and what we’re grateful for, whether in our personal lives or in business. We think of those who have offered us support, and we celebrate with togetherness and feasting. It’s usually a time spent with loved ones and dear friends.
Thanksgiving is also a wonderful time to recognize the important people in our business lives. With Christmas becoming more and more commercialized, gift-giving loses some meaning by the time December 25th rolls around. Thanksgiving, on the other hand, lends sincerity to gestures of gratitude. Why not take this time to express your appreciation to the people and companies that have supported you this year?
As an example, our team will be visiting our partners before Thanksgiving in an organized daytrip around Orlando. By keeping the schedule to one day, we minimize our productivity down-time. We’ll bring autumn-themed goodies and some materials bearing our new brand that our partners can keep on-hand for future clients. Delivering personal thank-yous to our partners and letting them know how much we value our business relationship is a worthy investment on every account.
Whether or not you can personally visit everyone you want to thank, there are plenty of ways to show appreciation to your valued business partners. Here are just a few:
Thank you cards. Seems simple, doesn’t it? But taking the time to handwrite and mail thank you cards (or Thanksgiving cards) sends a message that a phone call or e-mail can’t. Personalized videos. With smartphones being so prevalent, creating a video has never been easier. Have everyone on your team (or just key staff) film a short thank you message personalized to the recipient. By piecing your sentiments together and adding music, you’ll have a custom gift that they’ll never forget. Cornucopias. This traditional symbol of thanks doesn’t have to be filled with food, though many of your business partners might enjoy that! Consider delivering cornucopias filled with edible goodies, colorful flowers or useful office supplies. Support. One of the best ways to show gratitude for support is to offer it in return. Consider offering special incentives to your clients who also book with your business partners. Share these incentives with your partners so they know how much you value working with them.
These are just a few ways you can show thanks in your business. If you have other ideas, we’d love to hear them! For now, I’ll sign off with a hearty thank you for helping make the Susan Southerland Secret one of the most praised business models in the industry. Happy Thanksgiving!