Pretty curious photo above, no? Let me tell you the story behind it. My husband and director of Just Right! Destination Management, Scott Mifsud, had a client several years ago who brought her daughter with her to a conference where Scott was the meeting concierge. During the conference, the little girl lost her first tooth. The client offhandedly mentioned that it would be fun if the tooth fairy could come and visit her daughter. Scott and one of his associates ran off to the store and picked up a little gift, a pink inner tube with matching goggles and showed up at the client’s hotel room dressed as the tooth fairy’s vacationing cousin and presented her with the gift. It made quite an impression! The little girl, now ten-years-old sent the above note to Scott earlier this year when her mom decided to work with Scott again as he opened his own destination management company.
Scott is a very conscientious worker and concentrates on giving superior customer service every time he does a job, but this extra step helped him keep this client over several years and a couple of job changes. What do you do to wow your clients to get referrals and positive buzz? I’d love to hear your ideas! Post them for me here on Susan’s Secrets.