I think most entrepreneurs would agree that starting and running a business has its ups and downs. In my career, I have certainly experienced both. Through the victories and the losses, it’s the lessons I learned and the people who were there to support me for which I am most thankful.
From childhood, my parents instilled in me the faith that I could do anything. They encouraged me through every whim, from softball and horseback riding, to dancing, acting, and singing. They encouraged me to believe that I could do absolutely anything. When I started my company, they gave me the emotional support that helped build the foundation of what it has grown to today. That unwavering confidence in me is a gift from them for which I will always be thankful.
After continuing growth for years when the economy started to slump, I learned some valuable lessons about understanding profit and loss, cash flow, and being a smart business planner. I also learned how valuable failure is when it comes to life lessons. Those lessons have helped fuel the growth that I have seen for the past six years. For that, I am thankful.
The people who helped pull me and the company out of the burning ashes are people for whom I will always be thankful: Kristy Chenell, for helping me think in a new way and for igniting my creativity that had become stale over the years; Terri Oster for teaching me about business, planning expenses, making thoughtful decisions and for being my backbone when I didn’t have much of one; Karen Gingerich for being the string to my balloon (Karen listens to every crazy idea I have and helps me figure out which to pursue and helps me create the roadmap to get there); Tammy Elliott, President of Perfect Wedding Guide, who gave me the wonderful opportunity to be their national wedding expert. She helped me find a greater audience than I ever could have on my own, and that work kept my company afloat while I was rebuilding; Scott Mifsud, my husband and leader for Just Right! Destination Management, for opening a new world to conquer. He also has to listen to all my crazy ideas, but instead of being the sound of reason like Karen, he is my unconditional cheerleader.
Finally, I have to say I’m thankful for my team and our clients. My team challenges me regularly. They have bright new ideas and such enthusiasm for our craft. They keep me motivated. Our clients keep us in business, but beyond our obvious monetary needs, we experience our clients’ joys on a daily basis. Whether it’s solving problems for our corporate clients, feeling the excitement when I help launch or change someone else’s business, or experiencing the love of our social clients, they fill my soul. They make the challenges of what my team and I do every day worthwhile.
There is so much for which to be thankful. I remind myself of that every single day. I’d like to hear from you. What are you thankful for?