Welcome to bridal show season!
If you haven’t already participated in one since the beginning of the year, I’m sure you have some on the horizons! Recently, I participated in one and noticed 2 things that I thought important to share as tid bits on my blog.
1. Be mindful of when to network. Bridal shows are a great way to meet new vendors and begin to develop relationships for your referral network. However, I caution when to do your networking on show day. I noticed a good handful of vendors coming around to my booth during the actual show hours and trying to talk with me. As grateful as I was that they came to introduce themselves, I found myself looking beyond them and having to cut our conversation short (in the middle of their sentences) to tend to prospecting brides. Before or after official show hours are a great way to meet new vendors rather than during the actual show itself.
2. Get out there! It can be intimidating to put yourself out there talking to brides and many times I see vendors wait for eye contact to begin selling themselves. Don’t leave it up to the bride! Practice what you are going to say as they come by and get them excited to learn more about your company. Be succinct and excited to talk with them and don’t stand behind your table if you can help it :).
These are just 2 tips I noticed that can make a big difference when at a show. Do you have any you’d like to share?
Best of luck to everyone participating this season!