I’m back from speaking at the Wedding Merchants Business Academy’s (WMBA) annual conference. It was wonderful!
I learned a lot from the other speakers, which got me excited about things to work on for my business. I also really enjoyed networking with wedding business owners from around the world. Actually, I think the networking is what really got me energized.
It’s interesting what you can learn when you are open to hearing what others have to say. When you are in an atmosphere where you aren’t selling anything or worrying about getting to your next appointment, you can get fantastic insight into issues that other businesses are facing, or great trends that aren’t making it into magazines.
So what did I hear most this past week?
- Wedding businesses around the country are still facing the economic pinch. Most who have been in business for a while are needing to reinvent themselves and look at new ways to sell and market themselves.
- Seasoned business owners also are looking for ways to stay on top. Most agree that the climb is far more exciting than maintaining ground once getting to the top.
- New business owners mention being worried about breaking in and pushing their businesses forward.
- Those new business owners also discussed how pleasantly surprised they were that conference attendees were willing to talk and share ideas. Many of them said that they don’t get that same warm reception at home.
Whether you have had your business for a long time, or you are just getting started, look around for conferences, seminars and workshops in your area. The education you get will be wonderful, and the camaraderie you’ll feel from networking with others in your industry will reenergize you multifold.
I’d love to hear your stories about how attending conferences and seminars have helped your business. Post for me here or send me an email to susan@susansoutherland.com.
Happy selling and marketing always!